Application to Sugar Beet Field
Despite the rain right before the first application, SoilSentry successfully firmed up soil beds and reduced water waste. Here you can see that 25 hours into irrigation, flow off of the furrow is around 20% and water in the head ditch is clear.
4 Weeks After SoilSentry Application
Limited cracking and erosion of soil beds after 4 weeks. The well formed soil beds clearly prevented loss of seed and allowed uniform beds to form.
Contrast against PAM 4 Weeks Later
See here how the soil beds are a little less uniform, more loose, and are showing signs of cracking.
8 Weeks After Initial SoilSentry Application
This photo was taken 8 weeks after the initial application and 2 weeks after the second application
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Sugar Beets Case Study Summary

SoilSentry helps decrease silt in tailwater runoff and nutrient leaching. We make it simple and safe to stop erosion, protect your investment, and better meet local water regulations. In the instance of the Sugar Beets, SoilSentry did a better job of forming soil beds than. At the same time, SoilSentry is safe to handle and bio-friendly compared to the standard PAM product.

Try SoilSentry on Your Crop

Make the switch to SoilSentry and see the difference! Regardless of the irrigation system you use, our product is proven to halt erosion and protect crop yields. Want to learn more before you finalize your purchase? Call us to get the answers you need to make an informed decision.

SoilSentry Key Findings

Across all three case studies, SoilSentry outperforms the average competitor and is safer to handle.

Sugar Beets

Compared to standard PAM products, SoilSentry improves infiltration and is more bio-friendly.


The Alfalfa field was made more workable with the application of SoilSentry, highlighting the versatility of our product in heavy, medium, and light soils.


SoilSentry helped improve yield by making soil beds more uniform, thereby reducing seed spillage.