Flood Irrigation: Lateral Off of Head Ditch Shows Turbidity
Initially, the Alfalfa field has a head ditch with lots of sediment running off from the beds. As the test began, SoilSentry was introduced at a rate of 3.5 to 5 cubic ft / second.
The SoilSentry + Water Mix is Absorbed by the Field
Here we see the fully-saturated Alfalfa field. Now it's time to wait for the water and SoilSentry mix to finish absorbing and have a look at the beds.
Alfalfa Field After Treating with SoilSentry
Despite the soil in this field being very light and sandy, there is no rutting because of the SoilSentry additive.
Continued Irrigation of Rows
See the difference yet? There are no signs of erosion and there's no channeling between the borders of the rows.
Tail Water Runs Off Field
Note how clear the water is now, and how little the beds are impacted by the run off. SoilSentry is the cause of the reduction in turbidity. Compare this to the "before" view of the head ditch on the next slide.
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Alfalfa Case Study Summary

SoilSentry is proven to preserve topsoil and improve the workability of your soil. That means better aeration, better organic matter retention, and more efficient water usage. The big takeaway from this case study is that SoilSentry works well in both heavy and light soils! Our product also reduces the migration of other inputs by keeping nutrients in place and clear water moving across the field.

Try SoilSentry on Your Crop

Make the switch to SoilSentry and see the difference! Regardless of the irrigation system you use, our product is proven to halt erosion and protect crop yields. Want to learn more before you finalize your purchase? Call us to get the answers you need to make an informed decision.

SoilSentry Key Findings

Across all three case studies, SoilSentry outperforms the average competitor and is safer to handle.

Sugar Beets

Compared to standard PAM products, SoilSentry improves infiltration and is more bio-friendly.


The Alfalfa field was made more workable with the application of SoilSentry, highlighting the versatility of our product in heavy, medium, and light soils.


SoilSentry helped improve yield by making soil beds more uniform, thereby reducing seed spillage.